Hi all,
We call this API: GET /v2024/certifications?count=true&limit=250
It returns 230 objects and it in the headers that x-total-count
is 253.
This is a mismatch, the count is not matching with the amount of objects that we get.

I checked this API in different tenants (production and nonproduction) and also noticed (different) mismatches of counts and amount of objects.
I have been in contact with SailPoint Support multiple times on duplicate results or incorrect counters appearing either in API or UI, on differen object types:
CS0245728 - Duplicate Attributes in the Account Schema for SCIM 2.0 SaaS source
CS0236955 - Followup of CS0245728
CS0251455 - GET v3/sources count incorrect and duplicate results
CS0258279 - Followup of CS0251455
CS0249576 - Duplicate email templates
CS0254439 - Second followup of CS0245728
CS0254463 - Duplicate attributes in HR source.
CS0294469 - Wrong source counter
CS0197216 - Role appearing twice in list API
CS0300922 - Followup of CS0197216
The effect of this current bug seems to be a similar issue as a couple of the above, so I think SailPoint should not only solve the bug for /v2024/certifications, but also check all their APIs that support the count attribute and see if it truly matches the amount of objects it gives, both when giving a filter and when not giving a filter.
In addition, perhaps SailPoint could create an automated test that checks if the amount of objects and the count match regularly, especially during releasing new functionality. This should hopefully decrease the chance of this issue coming back.
Kind regards,