ISC accessModelMetadata broke the Create Role API process

Hi all, :slight_smile:

Before accessModelMetadata was introduced we could do this:

  1. Take the JSON of an existing role
  2. Remove the id attribute
  3. Change all the values you want changed (including name)
  4. Create the role by passing the JSON to the POST /v2024/roles API.

Now if we create a basic role, then use this role in the steps above, we get this error:

400: Value of accessModelMetadata should be null.

The value accessModelMetadata of the JSON of the basic role was:

"accessModelMetadata": {
   "attributes": []

This is completely fine data, that the create API must be able to consume. Because it doesn’t, it breaks our process.

Kind regards,

Thanks for reporting this Angelo. I have opened a ticket (IDNPALM-5847).

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