Is there any way to get all the pending certification campaingn

Is there any way to get all the pending certification campaingn?

Hi @schattopadhy,

You can take a look at the Get Certification campaigns API.

Try this this and see if you see the expected results - eq "ACTIVE"

@jesvin90 thanks for the solution but i was looking if anything we could achieve you search API option we are using now itself

I don’t think you can get those details through Search.

Currently, via search APIs the following items can be filtered which are as follows:

  • Identities
  • Roles
  • Access Profiles
  • Entitlements
  • Events
  • Account Activity

The solution provided by @jesvin90 is the only way current which even I would have suggested with an additional item to escape the spaces in the API when invoking it via scripting."ACTIVE"

@schattopadhy Hello,

If you search action:Certification will retrieve some certifications!

See if helps u!

thanks for the responces

Is this a working solution.? I can’t seem to get any output with this search query.

Interestingly it only shows the accesses removed during certification and nothing else.
I dont know if it will be considered as a solution.

According to the search documentation, there is no index for certification campaigns. The search query action:"Certification" is actually searching for events involving removing an entitlement from a user as a result of the entitlement being revoked during a certification.

@jesvin90 's response is the correct solution. You can only get pending certifications by using the operational API that he links to.

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