Is it possible to reading the data JDBC connecton and Provisioning to Excel

We want to aggregate the data form DB using the JDBC conncetion and provisioning need provision to excel file.

Is this possible?


Hi Prasantha,
Generaly both Identity IQ and Identity Now expects that you will be consistent with connection - that means if you use JDBC connection then you use it for both aggregation and provisioning.

It is possible to build some “hybrid” solution but it’s definitely far from standard approach. Anyway simply speaking - you would need to for sure use 2 separate connectors for that. JDBC to aggregate data and then for example do provisioning via business roles to the second application which would be XLSX file in this case.

Of course you also need to be aware that you are in cloud so it might be tricky to generate file.

You could consider a Web Services connector with some additional infrastructure. You could build an Azure Function that would read from the database via an API call and then the provisioning API calls could go to something like a Power Automate flow to manipulate the Excel doc.

We have removed the JDBC source provision feature string. Once the user is requested the roles manual work item will get generated, and based on the work items API using Powershell, we are provisioning to Excel.

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