Invoke SailPoint IIQ native APIs outside of SailPoint

How can we invoke SailPoint IIQ native APIs outside of SailPoint. E.g., as standalone program?

Hi @anubhav_varshney07,

I suggest to you those guides about the configuration and usage of API for IIQ:

Also, you need to verify the network accessibility the SP server and the site where you want call the APIs


Hi @anubhav_varshney07 ,

SailPoint has provided a couple of APIs that you can use. If your requirements are not matched with those APIs, then you have to develop custom web services using the SailPoint API (classes, interfaces, methods, etc.). I think @enistri_devo has already shared the document link, which is a very good document for that. You please go through it.

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It generaly depends what you want to achieve -

  1. There is “standalone” IIQ already and it’s called console - you can just use it via $IIQ_HOME$/WEB-INF/bin/iiq console - this will actualy start your own IIQ instance as console app
  2. You can use jshell to emulate context and do pretty much whatever you want via standard IIQ JDBC connection
  3. Like my predecesors mentioned - you can use REST API for some operations but it’s pretty much limited
  4. You can build your own API and load it into IIQ to be able to do whatever you just want.
  5. As small extension of the OOTB API you can use Community REST API Plugin which is available on colab - it’s extending the api a bit but it’s still pretty early version of the soft.

so the custom webservice that we will write would need to be made available using plugin only or is there any way to invoke those web service APIs outside SailPoint without plugin.

Hi @pallavi ,

We don’t need to a separate plugin for this. All we have to develop the custom class in which we have to implement the methods for whatever we need to expose from SailPoint or invoke functionality form SailPoint. And use that class (this class should extnds the BaseResource class) in in web.xml file (at for triggering the action.

You can go through this document which enistri shared.

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Check this one .
This is done for 7.3 , but for later version the need to be moved to src directory.


By IIQClient API…

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