We have a setup for custom connector for service now and INOW.
Recently made changes to the node project on local machine.
We want to update the updated project to IDN through sailpoint CLI and postman SAAS collection , could you please guide us for the exact steps?
Yes we have gone through the documentation available at the sailpoint sites
but we only want to update the connector so what will be the steps needed for the same .
Let us know if you needs more information.
we are setting the environment in sailpoint CLI through powershell. its working for production but same set of commands are not working for sandbox environment
Please check below the commands we used for prod which worked :
sail set pat
sail set auth pat
sail environment
sail environment set
Below is the error we are getting while doing same for sanbox
PS C:\Users\yrathod\Desktop\sail_2.0.2_windows_amd64\bin> ./sail conn list
Error: failed to retrieve access token. status 401 Unauthorized
We have entered correct client ID and secret for setting up the env