In Discovery: Segmentation of Data for Multiple Organization Tenants

Business Problem

IDN Administrators today in highly distributed organizations or in large conglomerates struggle today with two broad problems that look for better solutions to segment access to record-level data across many experiences throughout IdentityNow. Specifically:

  1. Implementing richer Least Privileged access for IDN users to IDN information, where the existence of some sources, access items, identities, and more should be limited in the knowledge that they exist to specific privileged users.Today, every administrator role can see every object within the areas they administer and every user can see the names of every Identity in every dropdown.
  2. Delegating Administration of IDN to users within specific Operating Companies, Subsidiaries, Departments, and more - where the administrators in those entities should not have a global view, but only have access to a limited number of Access Model Objects (Roles, Access Profiles, Entitlements), Sources, Certifications, Identities, and more.

What is needed to accomplish these problems is a richer, programmatic method

Sound Familiar?

If this is a problem that impacts your organization, use our Ideas Portal to cast your vote for this Idea. Here you can view currently submitted ideas, add comments for your specific use cases around this problem, and vote!.
Idea: GOV-I-2241

How You Can Help

We are continuing to validate our understanding of the problem space and solution. In addition, we are conducting research calls focused on validating our designed solution, better understanding the desired user experience, and ensuring we hit the most common customer use cases.

Our Product Management team would love to hear from you! Here’s how:

  • Voice your thoughts, questions, comments, and concerns right here in this topic.
  • Vote on the idea linked above.
  • or schedule a call if you feel the need to discuss this topic in private, and provide insights specific to your business problem and use cases. If you don’t see a calendar opening that aligns with your availability, feel free to send me a direct email.

This is a big need for some of our larger and more complex customers. Looking forward to discussing it with you!