IIQ Roles UI customize

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Version 8.3

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This is OOTB Roles feature. I want to remove/hide (highlighted in red box) UI in Roles page for users beside admin. What would be the best way to do it? Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance!

Hi @Unique ,

Welcome to the SailPoint Developer Community!!!

I understand, your requirement to hide some attributes from end-user and not remove it completely. Basically, to control the UI based on user capability.

As far as I know, you cannot have UI controlled based on assigned capability/Population or scope. I would also love to know how this can be done. lets see if someone here in community has any experience with that.



You can try to change the Role editor page with a javascript code to hide this information.
Have seem some clients do that.


You can do this using multiple ways but no straight ootb configuration .

  1. Create a custom plugin to show what they need and write the workflow which can be trigger by quicklink.
    2.Create a custom form quicklink to show what they need and write the workflow which can be trigger by quicklink.
  2. Using the plugin framework you can hide using JS
  3. Give access to only admin you really need this and if possible enable any audit available ootb .

my preference would be 4 and then from 1-3-2


One approach could be to provide the end users with a separate Role Management quicklink, where you could build a quicklink which will trigger a workflow with forms to provide a simple interface and update Bundle properties.


Hi @Unique welcome to the Community!!!

Everyone on this topic answered perfectly, however, @vishal_kejriwal1 's answer is superb, he talked about everything possible and the preferences too based on the best practices as well​:clap:


Thank you @MuhammadMustafa .


Hi @Unique ,
Can you let us know if this helps !

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