IIQ Integration with Tableau Cloud

Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?

Version 8.2

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we would like to integrate IIQ with Tableau Cloud, there’s no connector to it, but Tableau is SCIM compliant. I’ve raised a ticked on support and they confirmed there’s no OOTB connector and there are aware of some clients using SCIM or Web Services.

Does anybody has mode this integration with Tableau Cloud and can share what was the method choose, challenges, problems, caveats, and son on?


Best Regards,

Paulo Torrinha

Have you had a chance to review their REST APIs? I have included the link for your reference: Tableau Server REST API - Tableau

They provide user and group management endpoints that you could leverage to develop a web service connector in IIQ.

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Hi Paulo, welcome to the community, we have integrated with Tableau cloud and on-prem in multiple Orgs.
Gimme some time and will share with you a sample just lemme check my old repos

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Ok I will wait. Tks.


Hi will take a look at them.


Paulo Torrinha

Hi and Hello,

maybe here?

Tableau Online Connector - Compass (sailpoint.com)



I have recently onboarded Tableau for my client using Web Service connector , happy to connect separately to assist :slight_smile:

We are on IIQ, the connector yoy mentioned is for IDN.



Dear Paulo, correct me if i am wrong, are you looking for Tableau (Analytics) integration with SailPoint IIQ ?

If yes, then we have used web service based connector for integration (REST API)

You can refer below link for REST API :


Happy to connect separately :slight_smile:

Yes, OK.
All went well, no caveats/problems?

Nothing as such, only small challenge is that the add/remove group api only allows to add/remove single group at a time, In the case of access review, you may need to customize your before provisioning rule to handle the modify case :slight_smile:

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