Hi, I have one query where I am looking one help. I had one custom java file (for provisioning purpose) which I was using with other identity management system. I want to use same java files in Sailpoint IdentityNow, could you please guide me if I can achieve this, if so then how.
Can I use beforeRule in webservice and put all those java codes in same beforeRule code.
In IDN the rules are written in Java Beanshell, a lightweight scripting language that allows you to define custom logic and behavior within the rules. Java Beanshell provides a familiar syntax similar to Java, making it easier for implementers to create and maintain rule configurations. If you are trying to write a beforeRule for webservice then check the below link : Web Services Before Operation Rule | SailPoint Developer Community
Use can reuse the java logic in your previous code but you have to modify to some extend like arguments ,return type and package to be imported .
Note: Webservice before rules are connector-Executed Rules , that are executed in the Identity Security Cloud virtual appliance, and they are usually extensions of the connector itself. The rules are commonly used to perform complex connector-related functions, so they are specific to only certain connectors.
So its better to read the supported methods,arguements and return type available for webervice before rule and then check out the sample code give in the webservice,you can just add your java logic into it provided all methods are supported by sailpoint IDN.
Typically, you have way less flexibility in these types of scenario’s with IdentityNow (ISC), however, if you are using libraries that are available in IdN, you can use them.
I have the feeling from reading your post that you are referring to your own built jar file with some java classes that you call. Is that correct? If so, this is not possible with IdentityNow.
Generally, it’s good to look here to see what you do have available in ISC;
I agree. @hranjan3 This most likely will be additional development effort you cannot skip at the moment. Your entire logic will have to be translated over using ISC Java/Beanshell APIs.
Although if the functionality of your previous tool was similar to what you’ll be doing on ISC, the refactoring should not be a start-from-scratch scenario. While yes, you can reuse your previous java code in web service operation rules, there will have to be some changes to be made to handle the objects being passed in as input, which most likely will be required for you (because you’re using the rule for a reason).