Hi Experts,
I have come across a peculiar situation wherein I am trying to work on a JDBC application. Details below:
Integration Type: JDBC
Connector: JDBC Connector
SQL Queries: Stored Procedures
Stored Procedure Example: {call clientstoredProc.IAM_ACCESS.user_id_role(?,?)}(It works with ref cursor type for output)
Jar: ojdbc8.jar
Problem Statement: Encountering NPE when triggering any Stored Procedure.
Detailed observations:
When calling the same stored procedure for aggregation encountering NPE.
When working on Eclipse IDE:
The stored procedures are working fine when calling the stored procedures and adding ref cursor:
stmt.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.CURSOR);
stmt.registerOutParameter(2, Types.VARCHAR);
TLDR: Stored procedures are working when invoked in eclipse but is encountering NullPointerException from managed services error on IDN.
Can you enable loggers for JDBC connector and check the ccg.log file for more details.
May be you can get more details why it is failing and possible fix it. If possible share the log details
This is a known issue. Previously, stored procs for the aggregations were working as expected however, suddenly they stopped in our environment even though nothing is updated on both the ends.
I would suggest you to raise a support ticket with SailPoint support team for any fixes.