IDN: API offset: "Specified offset is invalid."

Dear SailPoint IDN Team,

There are currently two behaviors when using an offset greater than the total number of records available:

  • for /beta/transforms you get the error:
    "detailMessage": "Specified offset is invalid.",
    "stackTrace": [],
    "suppressedExceptions": []
  • for all (?) others (e.g. access-profiles, identity-profiles, roles) you get an empty JSON list ([]).

It would be nice to have a consistent behavior (either return an empty list if offset is out of range or force API clients to use the count=true query parameter to find out the total number of entries).

Best regards,

is this an issue with /v3/transforms as well?


And another discrepancy between the different APIs: most APIs accept beside the official count=true an insensitive case value (True, TRUE), but not /segments :).
For /{beta|v3}/segments the header X-Total-Count will not be set when count=True.