IdentityNow Rule Restriction Extension for Visual Studio Code

:spiral_notepad: Description A Visual Studio Code extension that flags and notifies disallowed keywords when developing rules on SailPoint.
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:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link
:hospital: Supported by Community Developed


This Visual Studio Code extension is designed to provide real-time highlighting, hover notifications, and disallowed keyword alerts when developing rules on SailPoint. It aims to improve productivity by identifying and notifying developers about the usage of specific flagged keywords.


  • Visual Studio Code installed
  • Node.js installed


  1. Installation:

  2. Configuration:

    • Customize the list of flagged keywords in the extension.ts file if needed.
  3. Installing Dependencies:

    • If you cloned the GitHub repository, open a terminal in the project directory
    • Run npm install to install the required dependencies
    • Run npm install -g vsce to install vsce globally
    • Run vsce package to package the extension
    • Go to Extensions in VS Code and install extension from VSIX
    • Select the VSIX file and click on install
  4. Usage:

    • Observe real-time highlighting of flagged keywords.
    • Hover over flagged keywords to see disallowed keyword notifications.
    • Receive alerts when using disallowed keywords.
  5. Contribution:

    • Feel free to contribute to the GitHub repository by submitting issues or pull requests.