Identitynow Powershell comand not working

Try using single quotes

$Filters = ‘status eq “Failed”’
1 Like

Thank you so much Mark! filter condition worked well.

@darrenjrobinson Thanks for your response too!

@darrenjrobinson and All, Could you please help me on one common issue I am finding while setup Sailpoint CLI and PSSailpoint module. I am able to run PSSailpont API in my local perfectly fine. I have one more system where I am doing the similar setup and followed same steps, but while using API call, I am getting same error which I used to get:

PS C:\Users\hranjan> Get-BetaConnectorList
[activeenvironment, mytestenv] [authtype, pat] [debug, False] [environments, System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary] [exporttemplatespath, ] [reporttemplatespath, ] [searchtemplatespath, ]
No clientid set for environment: mytestenv
No clientsecret set for environment: mytestenv
ClientId, ClientSecret or TokenUrl Missing. Please provide values in the environment or in ~/.sailpoint/config.yaml

I have placed config.json file in under directories but still not sure why this error come. I have done sail set pat and sail set auth pat multiple times.

Could you please suggest where exactly root cause of this issue, is there any way we can directly set this in powershell.

The config.json file needs to be in the same directory where your script is executing

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