Hey all,
We’re trying to automate applications’ provisioning but didn’t found any api endpoint that could create applications or add access profiles to it.
Do you know if such an endpoint exists (v3, beta, …)?
Hi @khalilgahbiche,
i found this post for the app:
and this is the api for access profile:
maybe can help you
Hi @khalilgahbiche,
There are no v3 or beta api call for manage application at the moment.
There are only private call /cc/api which apis and currently Sailpoint progresively deprecate thoses api and replace them by a new v3 endpoint.
For application management api call you can found the depreceation dates :
It’s of end of june 2024 which mean v3 api will be available soon.
May be @colin_mckibben can confirm if a v3 call is available.
@enistri_devo , @baoussounda , thank you for your valuable feedback.
It’s also mentioned that shutoff date will be extended to the 30th of August, I hope they’ll release a v3 endpoint in the upcoming two months.
@khalilgahbiche after released v3 they will wait soon before deprecated private call (/cc/api/app)
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