Identity Attribute Transform Errors

I am getting errors for a transform for all users. However in the preview the value is correct, and if I run a refresh they are all correct and the error goes away. I am not sure what process is causing them to show in this state. Below are screenshots of the error and the JSON for the Transform.



        "attributes": {

            "negativeCondition": "$department",

            "date": {

                "attributes": {

                    "input": {

                        "attributes": {

                            "expression": "now",

                            "roundUp": true


                        "type": "dateMath"


                    "inputFormat": "ISO8601",

                    "outputFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd"


                "type": "dateFormat"


            "expression": "$lcs eq inactive",

            "positiveCondition": {

                "attributes": {

                    "value": "#if($old == 'Disabled')$oldValue#{else}Disabled $date by IdentityNow#end"


                "type": "static"


            "old": {

                "attributes": {

                    "input": {

                        "attributes": {

                            "values": [




                            "ignoreErrors": "true"


                        "type": "firstValid"


                    "delimiter": " ",

                    "index": 0.0


                "type": "split"


            "department": {

                "attributes": {

                    "attributeName": "DEPARTMENT_ID",

                    "sourceName": "ADP"


                "type": "accountAttribute"


            "lcs": {

                "attributes": {

                    "values": [


                            "attributes": {

                                "name": "DetermineLifecycleState_v3"


                            "type": "rule"




                    "ignoreErrors": "true"


                "type": "firstValid"



        "id": "Common - Department",

        "type": "conditional"


Hi @ethompson ,
The issue is with old value calculation. You are setting empty incase oldValue is not available & then you are splitting it which is causing error. Set the old to a default value & try. Below is working for me.

"old": {
    "attributes": {
        "input": {
            "attributes": {
                "values": [
                "ignoreErrors": "true"
            "type": "firstValid"
        "delimiter": " ",
        "index": 0.0
    "type": "split"
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