Identities still assigned to Deleted Role

We deleted a role (ex. GCP Test) a few days ago. When an Identity Refresh occurs, a few identities show “Remove assignedRoles: GCP Test”. The refresh seems to complete successfully, but then the same thing occurs again the next time the Identity Refresh runs.

When we run the api: /identities/:identityId/role-assignments, the deleted role shows up for the Identity. But we do not see the Role in the Role List.

Is there a way to remove this role-assignment? Or do we need to open a support ticket?

Hi @Carlatto - How did you delete the role?

Through the UI.

Hi @Carlatto Can you run a full (unoptimized) aggregation or reload the accounts from source?


Ran an unoptimized aggregation on our Authoritative Source, no change. Identity Refresh is still showing the deleted role.

Sounds like a support ticket to me.

Thanks for the suggestions, we are opening a support ticket.

@Carlatto can you please shed some light on how this issue was resolved? I’m trying to understand what was the resolution on this?

Also trying to understand what’s the better way to remove assignedRoles and detectedRoles from an identity in ISC.

After a couple weeks this just stopped occuring. I am guessing something in the backend cleaned up what ever was causing the issues. :woman_shrugging: