How to update the default grey background color

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Version 8.3

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We have gone through the IIQ branding documentation. It doesn’t mention how to change the default grey color background.

Can someone help with the file and the component name that needs to be updated to change the default grey color of the background.

@jajatip check this thread, pls let us know if you have any specific req.

Solved: Re: Background Color in All IIQ Pages - Compass (

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Hi @jajatip

you can do that by adding your CSS rules in this file “ui-custom.css” Actually most of the branding “from colours, alignments, borders, shadows, fonts, etc… perspective” can be changed here in that file.

If you are looking for the exact CSS rule that doing this “change the default grey colour of the background”, then here you are:

.sp-body-container {
background-color: #fff;

Note: this colour is white and that based on it’s Hexadecimal code.


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We’ve added the below on iiq-custom and ui-custom css files, but not seeing the color getting changed.

.sp-body-container {
background-color: #fff;

Hi, @jajatip it’s working and I tried by myself now as shown in the following screenshots.
(Maybe it’s cached in your browser or another CSS rule has the forcing word “!important” or overriding the rule itself)…

  1. Normal BG colour (light grey)

  1. White one with the previously mentioned CSS rule

  2. For This one, I just changed the colour again to Red as an example and it’s working as well

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Here you are another screenshot from the edit itself.


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