How to skip the error in refresh task for further identities, if it failed for 1 user

Hi Everyone,

I am running the refresh task for all the identities, but if anything is failed, it is stopping there and cancelling the task, is there any option to skip the errors in task and continue further.

error A different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session : [sailpoint.object.Link#linkid]


Hi @charankoona,

everytime is better resolve error.
In you case I think, an object is locked or a rule is not well build.
Can you share more info?

Hi @enistri_devo ,

id is not locked and i am running the refresh task with provision assignments for that id.

Do you have more logs about this?

let me get the logs but is there any option to skip this kind of errors in refresh task for multiple users. if one error comes, task get cancelled or failed.

Hi Guys, is there any option to skip and continue further if 1 id is failed, instead of stopping the task.

If an error occurs, it means that it is not handled correctly the execptions or not at all.
Other case, you are using improperly some function of SP.

The best way is managed all possibile cases into the code for dont have errors

the issue is because the i have ran the batch request for assigning the Business role, but it failed. in below image what is the second error please

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