How to rename an IdentityIQ Attribute?

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Version 8.3

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We need to rename some IdentityIQ attribute names and are looking for necessary steps.

What I tried:
Rename a field in “Global Settings → Identity Mappings”.

First result:
The attribute is copied, the old field and value are still available?!

Second result:
The attribute is renamed (without a copy) but the value in an identity still contains the old attribute name with there value but there is no new attribute name?!

  • How do I rename an attribute and what steps are required to have a consistent data model (identities)?

  • How to rename an attribute with console command (needed to automate this step)?

Hi @chriskk,

Found this conversation about renaming and deleting the identity attributes. Please have a look if this helps.

May be you can delete and create a new one.
Use rules to update the identity attributes data. And then you have to synchronise these attribute changes to the backend applications if you have these attribute mappings defined.

The solution depends on what type of identity attribute it is which needs to be removed, below are some cases which may be used to decide the approach, and all of these must be perform first in sandbox environment before renaming in the live environment.

  1. Extended attributes - which are mapped with predefined extended attributes extended1,extended2)
    Renaming it from “Global Settings → Identity Mappings” followed by refresh identity should work.
  2. Named extended attributes – name attributes defined in hbm file and then defined in spt_identity table.
    Rename in hbm file, spt_identity table , identity mapping and followed by refresh identity should work.
  3. Others – which are just defined in identity mapping and stored in CLOB format.
    Defined new attribute in identity mapping, copy the data from old attribute to new attribute and then delete the old attribute.

Thanks, that’s not the answer I was hoping for, but okay :wink:

I understood, that IIQ is not able to manage attribute renaming itself and i have to do some manual copy steps.

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