@identityiq 8.1
How can we make a role requestable. such that it will appear in manage user Access.
As of now i was not able to see the requestable option for roles.
could anyone help regarding this?
@identityiq 8.1
How can we make a role requestable. such that it will appear in manage user Access.
As of now i was not able to see the requestable option for roles.
could anyone help regarding this?
Hi Akash,
Please make sure role is not disbaled. If it is disbaled, you can’t request the role from manage user access. Please refer the screenshot.
Hi @AkashRaavi131,
when you create a role(Businnes or IT) always is requestable. But there are 2 reasons because you cant see it in manage user accessa page:
The first case is easy; for the second you need to launch the Refresh Role Index
task(or Full Text Index Refresh) or waiting the refresh interval. The interval is set in Lifecycle manager in the first tab and the flag Enable automatic index refresh be marked:
If the flag is not marked you need to launch the task every time you create a new role.
Also, every time you restart the tomcat, SP recalculated the index.
Warning: sometime the index break, in this case you need to clean the files in identityiq/WEB-INF/BundleManagedAttributeIndex
Hi @AkashRaavi131 Please run Refresh Role Index to view the roles in manage user access.
Hi @vmurugesan007 ,
Thanks for the reply, I have ran Refresh Role Index task but still i was not able to see role in manage user access.
Hi @AkashRaavi131,
Is anyone else able to see the role in the Manage User Access section?
How are you searching for the role? Are you using the role name or the role display name?
Try searching using the role display name and verify the results.
Are you using any filters in the Manage Access form?
If you have applied filters, clear them and check again. If you haven’t applied any filters, try applying a filter such as role type and check the results.
Note: Only business role and entitlement can be requestable.
Hi @AkashRaavi131 ,
Actually, by default, business roles are requestable if the role is requestable. Even if you are not getting those roles in Manage User Access, then I am hoping you have changed the business role type configuration or you might have used the custom role type while creating the role. Please check it out. The role type which you created for creating roles should not enable this option. Select the option carefully whatever you need if you are using custom role type.
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