How to enable account when user raises for role/ptiv

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Version 8.3

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Using oracle direct connector. During disable of user account is disabled and entitlements are removed from profile.
When user is rehired and request for a role/entitlements application should be enabled(account_status =OPEN).Please let me know how this can be achieved

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Hi Sridevi,
There are couple of ways how to do that:

  1. If you have rehire process (lifecycle event with workflow) - easiest way would be to do this there - I mean to enable user during rehire process
  2. You can use provisioning policy in the role (if you use roles) to make account active whenever role is granted
  3. In before provisioning rule for Oracle DB you can check if operation is add entitlement, if yes you can also add enablement operation into the provisioning plan so it will enable account simultanously

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