Hi! I am new to IDN, and I was told to generate an identity profile, on wich users’ login have the form sometext + sequence. For example, first user should be created as AAA00001, second as AAA00002, etc. How can I approach to develop this? Normally on an on premise solution I would store last number in some database or filesystem, but how can I save this last number on IDN? There is some possibility to store this on the VA filesystem? Or can perhaps make a trasform on which I read last created user, split its number and add 1 to it? Thank you for your recomendations!
Welcome to the developer community Julian.
Your use case sounds well suited for the username generator transform. This transform has a variable called uniqueCounter
that will handle the sequential generation at the end of your login string for you.
Hi Colin, thanks for response. As I saw from that link, the unique counter should arises where the username generated already exists, so for new users I will have an empty username right? For example, if I put as “AAA${uniqueCounter}” as patter, first username generated will be AAA, next AAA1 right?
Yes, I believe that is the behavior.
Yes, and I have also the challenge that sequence must be completed with zeros at the left to cover 4 digits, for example 0001, 0023, 0999… is some place where I could store the last number used? Other alternative is that I could read last created user, substring his username to obtain last number and plus it by 1. I am at my first project with IDN, I already did not know in detail this idm engine, I would be very helpful with some clue. Thanks!
Try combining left pad with the username generator. Set the padding to 0 and the length to 4. Although, it does get a little complicated. You might have to:
- Generate the username first
- use
transform to get the number on the end of the username - Apply the leftpad to the number
- Concat the number and username back together
Hi Colin, thank you very much for your help. I was trying with the generator, but it enconunter some problem. UniqueCounter’s values are between 1 and variable cloudMaxUniqueChecks, and although its value can be set at the beginning, it has a maximum allowed value of 50, so generator will always try numbers between 1 and 50. I think that this behaviour is though for usernames like firstname | lastname + some number, if user already exists. I am continuing researching.
You might have to create a custom rule to handle this logic.
Yes my friend, as far as I can read, I think that I am getting out of options with transforms. I found them very rich but this is a demand perhaps it can not attend. If I can reach this objective I will return to post it. Thanks!
Hi @jsosa, I have to perform the same as you with that format of username. Were you able to do it with a transform using the uniqueCounter or with a custom rule?, thanks in advance. Best Regards.
Hi Colin,
Is there any place where we can find the list of such variables available to be used in transforms and other places?
Thanks for all your awesome answers in the community
Hi @franciscojoserodrig1 , sorry for the delay. I remain stuck there. I created an after operation rule for web services, I could invoke the rule on aggregation but can not access a file. I do not know if is a restriction of rules, or I am doing something wrong. I saw in documentation that accessing external files is not recommended, but on rule validator I obtain an OK.
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