Account Generator Issues


I’m experiencing an issue while using the out of the box account generator for active directory. I have specify the pattern to use to create the unique accountid however i’m getting a different result. Can you please advise.

Account Generator Pattern:
CN=$(preferreddisplayname),OU=User Test,DC=Test,DC=Test,DC=Test,CN=$(preferreddisplayname)$(uniqueCounter),OU=User Test,DC=Test,DC=Test,DC=Test

Incorrect AccountID Result: CN=jdoe,OU=User Test,DC=Test,DC=Test,DC=Test

Expected Result: CN=John Doe,OU=User Test,DC=Test,DC=Test,DC=Test
Expected Result: CN=John Doe1,OU=User Test,DC=Test,DC=Test,DC=Test

Hi Alex,
Can you paste here the whole transform?

Hi Kamil,

i’m not using a transform for this, i’m using the following pattern. See attached.

Hi @adyer,

When using the generator, I observed that you are using the format as CN,OU,DC,DC,DC,CN,OU,DC,DC,DC which can not be used as the AD don’t support it.

For your expected results, the pattern you should be using is CN=$(preferreddisplayname)$(uniqueCounter),OU=User Test,DC=Test,DC=Test,DC=Test

$(uniqueCounter) will append numeric value only when unique dn is not found

However, if you have customized requirements, you can use Username Generator Transform.

First question:
Does $(preferreddisplayname) contain “John Doe” or “jdoe” ?

If second the I believe your pattern should be
CN=$(firstName) $(lastName)$(uniqueCounter),OU=User Test,DC=Test,DC=Test,DC=Test

Hi Animesh,

Thanks, I tried this and it worked as expected. I think my issue was I had two different patterns defined. Also, for identities with same name I can see that the unique counter is working as expected.

Hi Kamil,

Thanks, I tried this and it worked as expected. I think my issue was I had two different patterns defined. Also, for identities with same name I can see that the unique counter is working as expected.

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