How to Configure Retries for Connector Aggregations and Provisioning Actions


Connectors in both IdentityIQ and Identity Security Cloud support retryable errors during both aggregation and provisioning. This document showcases how to configure these.

Keep in mind retries can happen at the platform /Identity Security Cloud level(distinct) to what can happen at the ‘connector’ level. There are many points on retries, most provisioning actions are retriable, but some connectors do have fidelity around which errors can be set as retriable

Aggregation Retries

Identity Security Cloud, like IdentityIQ, has support built-in for aggregation retries. This is configured per source by configuring aggregationRetryErrors under the connectorAttributes. Additional options retryWaitTime and maxRetryCount can also be configured.

curl --request PATCH '{api-url}/v3/sources/{id}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json-patch+json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data '[
        "op": "add",
        "path": "/connectorAttributes/aggregationRetryErrors",
        "value": [
          "Connection reset".
          "Read time out"
        "op": "add",
        "path": "/connectorAttributes/retryWaitTime",
        "value": "5000"
        "op": "add",
        "path": "/connectorAttributes/maxRetryCount",
        "value": "3"
  • aggregationRetryErrors
    • A string list containing the errors for which you want to retry again.
    • This would be the input steam e.g. ‘Connection Reset’ or Read Timeout. That would be set and be used to hook into this e.g. think dynamic error retry process.
  • retryWaitTime
    • A string containing the amount of retry time to wait before attempting a retry. This is in milliseconds.
    • Default value of 5000 milliseconds (or 5 seconds).
  • maxRetryCount
    • A string defining the the maximum retry attempts that will be performed.
    • Default value is 3.

Example Scenario

If aggregationRetryErrors is configured for “Connection reset” and “Read time out”, then anytime this error is encountered, the aggregation iteration would be retried.

Provisioning Retries

Identity Security Cloud, like IdentityIQ, has support built-in for provisioning retries. This is configured per source by configuring retryableErrors under the connectorAttributes. In addition, provisioningMaxRetries and provisioningRetryThreshold can also be optionally specified to control the amount of retrying that is done.

Please see below definition of what can be set for provisioning retries. So we can set for instance on the connector, retries X times, every Y minutes, if it the error matches on any of these strings “xyz”.

curl --request PATCH '{api-url}/v3/sources/{id}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json-patch+json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--data '[
        "op": "add",
        "path": "/connectorAttributes/retryableErrors",
        "value": [
          "Connection reset",
          "Read time out"
        "op": "add",
        "path": "/connectorAttributes/provisioningRetryThreshold",
        "value": "1"
        "op": "add",
        "path": "/connectorAttributes/provisioningMaxRetries",
        "value": "3"
  • retryableErrors
    • A list of string specifying the retryable errors to match against.
    • e.g., retry on any error with “Connection timed out”
  • provisioningRetryThreshold
    • A string specifying the retry looping threshold in minutes. Default is 1.
    • i.e., retry every X minutes.
  • provisioningMaxRetries
    • A string specifying the maximum number of retries to attempt. Default is 3.
    • i.e., retry up to Y times

Example Scenario

If retryableErrors is configured for “Unknown Host”, with a provisioningRetryThreshold of 3 minutes, and a provisioningMaxRetries of 2 attempts, the system would look to see if an error matches “Unknown Host”, and retry up to 2 times, every 3 minutes.

Example Retryable Errors

"Cannot open connection"
"Connect failed"
"Connect Failed"
"Connect to SAP gateway failed"
"Connection refused: connect"
"Connection refused"
"Connection Refused"
"Connection reset"
"Connection Reset"
"Connection timed out"
"Errors returned from IQService. The network path was not found."
"Errors returned from IQService"
"Exact or partial message phrase returned from IQService"
"Exception while executing the request"
"Failed to connect to IQService"
"Failed to connect to server"
"Failed to connect to the server"
"failed to respond"
"Internal Server Error"
"Interrupted during LDAP operation"
"Invalid keyId or incorrect keystore"
"Invalid token"
"Item failed due to retry timeout"
"LDAP connection has been closed"
"LDAP response read timed out"
"locked by user"
"Login failed"
"No such host is known"
"Not a JSON Object"
"Read timed out"
"Remote host terminated the handshake"
"Server is not operational"
"Service Unavailable"
"The server is unwilling to process the request"
"Unable to create iterator"
"unable to obtain exclusive access to this record"
"Unknown host"
"Unknown Host"
"Unreachable Host"
"Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection"

Note: not all error message configured under retryableErrors are retried (there is no definitive list), it’s not possible to separate the count and try matching, the configurations work in tandem.


Does this also apply to entitlement aggregations?

1 Like

Hi Omar, thanks for this, saved us a lot. Let me ask a question, is there some way to configure the provisioningRetryThreshold and provisioningMaxRetries for “all” errors? Perhaps with empty array of /connectorAttributes/retryableErrors? Or do you recommend adding all string values?