How to attach a Before Provisinoing Rule to a JDBC Connector?

Hi @udayputta thanks for responding! Actually, the rule to use is the one I posted before your post. I was working with JDBC Provision rule, but it has the problem that at the modify or enable/disable operations, plan only has the uid IDN attribute. And as it is a connector rule, it can not search information from IDN. That’s why I was suggested to add another rule to connector, the Before Provisinoing Rule, but as this is a cloud rule and never worked with that, I was looking in the incorrect place.

However, as this can be a workaround, documentation says that it should not be used to add identity or account attributes to account request object in plan object. So I figured a way to obtain identity and account attributes using an UPDATE provisioning policy.

I just detailed this on this other discussion topic:

It is a little tricky but saved me from making another rule, and depend on support times to get cloud rule deployed.