Google Workspace G Suite Connector: License Setup Departing Employee Data Backup

:bangbang: Please be sure you’ve read the docs and API specs before asking for help. Also, please be sure you’ve searched the forum for your answer before you create a new topic.

Hi everyone,

We need to connect to Google Workspace using the G Suite connector.
Is it possible to set the license value (enterprise plus, enterprise standard) when an account is first created?
Also, is there a setting to back up the email and drive of a departing employee to a specified email upon their resignation?


Not OOTB, however assuming service account has permission on license API, then you can call the API endpoint after account is created using trigger/Workflow. A more structured approach would be to manage this as role however that something that’s need to setup on Google workspace end and all you need to do is add or remove role in IDN.

Same goes for the mailbox management on termination.