Getting forbidden error while getting the access token

Hi All,
I am trying to obtain an access_token to retrieve user data from the SailPoint IdentityNow platform. Following the steps in the documentation, I attempted to get the access_token but encountered a 403 error with an HTML response.

Here is the response I’m getting:

I have ORG_ADMIN privileges for my user.

I have reviewed all the points mentioned in the troubleshooting guide, but the issue persists.

Here is the cURL command used for the request to SailPoint:

curl --location 'https://{tenant}.api.{domain}.com/oauth/token' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=client_credentials' \
--data-urlencode 'client_id={clientId}' \
--data-urlencode 'client_secret={clientSecret}'

Can someone help me resolve this issue?


I do not think you have used the right category for this thread.
Also, why do you have a domain variable there?
It should be just: https://{tenant}

Make sure your variables are properly filled in so you are connecting to the right place.

Make sure your Oath Token in IDN has “Client Credentials” checked.

Hi @lukas_ceremeta,

Thanks for the quick response.

I have the domain variable because my instance domain is not identitynow, but identitynow-demo. That’s why I kept it as a variable.

I’ve verified that all the variables are valid and they reference the correct place. The “Client Credentials” option is checked, and the scopes sp:scopes:default and sp:scopes:all are also added.

Any further suggestions or insights would be greatly appreciated.

Here is how I get my token using python, Powershell, and Postman hope it helps.

Python Example:

def getBearerToken(clientId, clientSecret, baseUrl):
    token = + "/oauth/token?grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=" + clientId + "&client_secret=" + clientSecret)
    return token

Postman Example:

In postman directly this is how I have it set up to grab a token:

PowerShell Example:

$AuthEndpointSandbox = "/oauth/token"
$BodySandbox = @{
$TokenResponseSandbox = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$($JsonConfigData.SB_Sailpoint_Api_Url)$($AuthEndpointSandbox)" -Body $BodySandbox -Method POST).Content | ConvertFrom-Json
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Thanks, Mark.

I got the token. The root cause was the corporate network blocking the traffic, which is why I was getting the 403 access denied error despite everything being valid.

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