Getting error while doing the entitlement aggregation for JDBC application

We have onboarded new application as transaction assistant as jdbc source, we are able to pull the accounts and entitlement information with the help of SQL queries.

But we would need to have the Role ID and name to be displayed under user account and its not working as expected with current queries , could you please have a look and let us know ?

Here are the queries which we have updated in account and group query settings:-

Account query:-

SELECT role.[RoleID] as RoleName
    ,usr.[UserID] as UserUserID
      ,usr.[CreateDate] as UserCreateDate
FROM [TIINT].[dbo].[Role] role 
INNER JOIN [TIINT].[dbo].[UserRole] userrole ON role.RoleID = userrole.RoleID
INNER JOIN [TIINT].[dbo].[User] usr ON usr.UserID = userrole.UserID
WHERE role.RoleType='group';

Group query:-

SELECT role.[RoleID]
 FROM [TIINT].[dbo].[Role] role 
WHERE role.RoleType='group';

Currently we have updated the description manually under entitlements tab, but we want to aggregate the description from source itself.

RoleID and Rolename is needed to be displayed as the Name and Description respectively in IDN UI.

I am attaching the screenshot of everything for proper information.

Update your account schema and point your “RoleID” attribute type to “Transaction Assistant” - it looks like that might still have the default of “group”. Then Delete the “group” entitlement type (you may need to reset your entitlements before you can delete the type).

This should stop it trying to query for the default “group” type and instead only use your custom “Transaction Assistant” type.

Hi @yogita_rathod8 ! In the entitlement schema, you have to map one field as entitlement ID and other as entitlement name. In your case, you have mapped RoleID as both ID and name. Please note that entitlement id is the internal id used in entitlement, for example when provisioning, or also in the account schema, to match users with their roles.

Entitlement Name is what fills the NAME column of the entitlement.

For filling Description column, you will have to touch schema by API. First locate your source ID, then look for the schemas (you will find the account schema, and the entitlement schema):

Then, you can use get to obtain the schema:

and modify displayAttribute to update what is showed.

Another thing I saw is that in account schema, you have to mark RoleID as an entitlement (single or multivalued).

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