Get Identity Action Item in workflow

Hi ,

I am trying to generate Service Now ticket on Identity attriubte change Firstname or lastname . I did create trigger with attribute change and in next step trying to get identity using $ (same error even I use name )identity value. Although user exists the test workflow says user not found. Attaching screenshot for reference. Can we change the search Path?

Thank you.

It looks like the identity ID you used in your test input is not correct. It is using the /cc ID of an identity. You will need to use the /v3 ID for identities for this to work. For testing purposes, you can use the UI to get the correct ID. Look for the GUID in the URL after selecting an identity from the identity list.

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Hi Colin,

Thank you.
Yes I see its mapping in this specific source, Account id is mapped to login instead of external Id. I did try for another source identity and it did work where account Id properly mapped.

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