Get application id from name by api

Hello, to automate access profile creation and bulk connecting them to apps through scripting with the use of API we would need to get the application id for the apps to do so. But apps objects are not possible to get from search according to the documentation. So basically I have the app name but need the appId.

I found the cc api {{baseUrl}}/cc/api/app/list which should list all applications but atleast for me it seems to not return all apps for some reason. In our sandbox environment we currently have 13 configured and enabled apps. With the above API it only returns 10 of them for some reason.

So my question is: Does anyone know another way to retrieve the app id’s? Or if someone knows what might be the issue with the api not returning all my apps? I can not see any reason why these 3 apps are not returned, they are enabled, some users even has the apps etc.


Assuming when you say applications it means Entitlement Source. If that is correct, you can use the Get Sources API and filter it to fetch your source, the JSON response will have source id you are looking for.

{{api-url}}/v3/sources?filters=name eq “Active Directory”

Hi, no sadly what I refer to is not sources but applications (which you connect access profiles with).

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