File Upload Utility - Entitlement Feed File Upload

Hi Experts,

I’m receiving the following error when I tried to use FileUploadUtility JAR file to upload entitlement feed file.

  • Exception in thread “main” com.beust.jcommander.ParameterException: Was passed main parameter ‘-entitlement’ but no main parameter was defined in your arg class”
  • Exception in thread “main” com.beust.jcommander.ParameterException: Was passed main parameter ‘-e’ but no main parameter was defined in your arg class.

I’m using File Upload Utility version 3.0.2, but it looks -e option is not there in this version.

Hi Chandra,

Yes, you want version 3.0.5. Your version (3.0.2) may not support it

GitHub - sailpoint-oss/colab-file-upload-utility

Hi @jrossicare

Thanks for your reply. I see a “” in GitHub, but when I tried to compile, It has lot of error in it. If you have a JAR file of this version, could you please attach here.

That would be a great help

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Please see the Colab post for information on how to run the file upload utility. If you still encounter issues, please comment on the Colab post for assistance from the author.

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