File Upload Utility Automation Scripts

:spiral_notepad: Description File Upload Utility Automation Scripts
:balance_scale: Legal Agreement By using this CoLab item, you are agreeing to SailPoint’s Terms of Service for our developer community and open-source CoLab.
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link GitHub - sailpoint-oss/colab-file-upload-utility-automation-scripts
:hospital: Supported by Community Developed


Maximize the potential of the File Upload Utility through advanced PowerShell scripting to automate delimited file aggregation and mitigate HR data errors by comparing HR feeds


  1. File Upload Utility JAR, download from here
  2. Java - JDK 11, OpenJDK 11 and OpenJDK 17 are supported
  3. Network - Outbound access over HTTPS (443) via REST API calls to the ISC
  4. Personal Access Token (PAT)
  • User must have at least the Source Admin user level
  • The PAT must have at least the idn:sources:manage and idn:entitlements:manage scopes.
  1. Enterprise application in Azure AD to utilize Graph API for sending emails


  • Create PAT token preferably for a service account instead of individual user, encrypt them and store it in a file
  • Create Enterprise application in Azure AD, get tenant details and secrets
  • Encrypt the secrets, store it in a file
  • Update FUU properties file with all the respective details
  • Update your local paths in PowerShell scripts
  • Make sure you have at least 2 HR feed files for comparison
  • Update the PowerShell script with your schema attributes
  • Schedule the PowerShell scripts as per your requirements


  • Make sure you schedule Compare feed a couple of hours before Automatic Aggregation
  • Make use of IQ service server to schedule the scripts