I’m using the api {{tenant}}/cc/api/app/list/?filter=org to fetch the application list.
The query paramaters offset & limit don’t seem to be working with this api, it fetches the complete list.
Also the “filters” doesn’t work in the query parameter, for example -
fetches the complete list of applications.
As per the communication we received, Sailpoint will be updating all v1/v2 apis, enforcing maximum of 250 records over an api call response. We need to implement either offset-limit or filters to keep in line with this update.
Are there any other APIs in any of the v1/v2/v3/beta versions where we can implement offset,limit or filters?
I found one v2 api with offset & limit working :
But it returns only those applications which are enabled for users (requestable). I need those applications as well which are disabled for users.