Extract the token returned from Tableau API

I am working on a Web connector Source to connect to Tableau and need help in saving the token from Auth API call into an Application Attribute.

Here is the response body from Auth call…

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<tsResponse xmlns="http://tableau.com/api" 
			xsi:schemaLocation="http://tableau.com/api https://help.tableau.com/samples/en-us/rest_api/ts-api_3_18.xsd">
	<credentials token="token_returned_from_api" estimatedTimeToExpiration="354:23:09">
		<site id="<SITE_ID>" contentUrl="<content_url>"/>
		<user id="<USER_ID>"/>

Now, I need to store the token_returned_from_api into an application attribute named authToken

Any help will be appreciated

Hello @iamnithesh did you found resolution? If yes, can you please share.

Sorry but this was put on a back burner and haven’t worked on it yet

Hey @iam_nithesh!

Have you tried using the Custom Authentication Operation?

You should be able to use this configuration to generate a token and store the response token in a variable to be used in subsequent operations.

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