Hi All,
We are working on Exterro application onboarding. We do see test connection is successful but account aggregation failing with below error. In postman we are generating access token which expires in X minutes, and we are passing that token in Headers to hit any API call. Appreciate how we can achieve this in SailPoint
java.lang.RuntimeException - java.lang.IllegalStateException: [ConnectorError] HttpClientWrapper.ts Response status :401 doesn’t match to allowed success codes : 200,2**,2**,2** response : “Another Session Exist” (requestId: f0c4c676e4db4ea9a038098682e5faf9) - java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: [ConnectorError] HttpClientWrapper.ts Response status :401 doesn’t match to allowed success codes : 200,2**,2**,2** response : “Another Session Exist” (requestId: f0c4c676e4db4ea9a038098682e5faf9) at com.sailpoint.mantis.qpoc.message.AccountAggregation.iterateResourceObjects_aroundBody6(AccountAggregation.java:660)