Exchange Online feature causing long aggregation times


I have recently set up my Entra ID connector to begin managing Exchange Online. Our aggregations went from taking roughly 20 minutes to 6 hours. We have approximately 10,000 users. I am wondering if this is expected as I know it is using EXO V3 powershell on the IQService server to get the EXO info. This can be slow when using PowerShell to get all mailboxes but not 5 hours slow.

Has anyone experienced this and what have people done to improve the aggregation time?

We have around 1500 users. Our times went from 90-120 seconds to 20-30 minutes when we added Exchange Online settings to our connector. We have not found a way to speed this up.

Would be nice if there was a separate connector for Exchange Online rather than having it bundled in the Azure AD connector.

Thanks for the reply, Carl. Good to know I’m not alone here on this one.

One way you may try this, setup a separate instance of Entra ID connector with only Exchange Online feature enabled (disable/uncheck all other entitlement types) and then run and see if it’s taking the same time or less.

It’s worth a try to at least confirm. We have been considering this just so our regular Entra ID connector aggregates quicker as well.

Sailpoint just announce a SAAS connector for Entra.

Will be interesting to see how it compares to the Virtual Appliance version.

I just saw that as well. If it doesn’t use the VAs then I’m assuming it is making direct API calls instead. Very promising.

The reason why I suggested on having multiple Entra ID connectors was because we did the same for Azure AD connectors long back and to my surprise - it was working faster that way.

Alternatively, as @Carlatto pointed out, Entra SaaS connector is a good option. Just ensure if works good stability wise and fulfills your requirements.

JFYI, Entra SaaS connector will be running on SailPoint cloud platform so it would be little hard to extract logs whereas with the VA version of Entra ID, you can easily fetch logs without SailPoint support’s involvement. I might be wrong but this is my understanding :slight_smile:

Good point, SaaS is great until it leaves you powerless during troubleshooting.

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