Error Enabling Account in Active Directory: "The server is unwilling to process the request" (0000052D)

Hello everyone,

I’m encountering an issue while trying to enable an account in Active Directory using IQService. Here’s the full error message I receive:

Exception occurred while executing the RPCRequest: Errors returned from IQService.
"Error occurred while enabling the account CN=TestAccountXX,OU=Workforce,DC=primarygrocers,DC=corp. The server is unwilling to process the request.
0000052D: SvcErr: DSID-031A1255, problem 5003 (WILL_NOT_PERFORM), data 0
HRESULT: [0x80072035]"

Thanks in advance for your help!

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Hi @Zekkin

0x52D error code related to password

Unable to update the password. The value provided for the new password does not meet the length, complexity, or history requirements of the domain.

Hi @Arun-Kumar is there any way to skip password creation at the time of account creation ?