Entitlements UI: If 'Clear Filter' is used, any previously selected sources don't show until a new search is done

What problem are you observing?

When you are filtering the Entitlements by Source, then you use “Reset Filters” to clear them, the previously selected sources no longer show. To get it back, you need to start typing a name to get it to refresh the list.

What is the correct behavior?

The list should be refreshed upon clicking “Reset Filters”

What product feature is this related to?

ISC User Interface

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

Open Entitlement Catalog
Filter by a source
Press “Reset Filter” to clear them
Click on the Source Dropdown and notice the source is not listed.

Type the first letter of the source
Note that the source is added back to the list.

Do you have any other information about your environment that may help?