Entitlement Validity Period

The user can be assigned a SAP Role with Start Date and an End Date. The ability to select or specify the same, while requesting an entitlement for an account, is available in IdentityIQ by creating a custom Provisioning Plan.

This is the companion discussion topic for the documentation at https://documentation.sailpoint.com/connectors/sap/direct/help/integrating_sap_direct_source/entitlement_validity_period.html

Hi, this page references IIQ - “The ability to select or specify the same, while requesting an entitlement for an account, is available in IdentityIQ by creating a custom Provisioning Plan.”

The samples shown also look like IIQ based samples. Is this capability possible in ISC?

Hi Haydn! Thank you for pointing this out. We’ve created a Jira issue to fix the issue and we’ll update the comment thread when it’s been addressed: CONDOCS-4418