Entitlement aggregation not working for webservices connector

Hello All,

We have a webservices connector with multiple entitlement types. one entitlement requires one custom authentication and other require another custom authentication. I have created 2 custom authentications and when I run entitlement aggregation, It is not reading any entitlements.

Postman response

Can any one help me how to debug this issue

It’s a bit challenging to troubleshoot this way. However, I’d like to understand more about the issue. Are you able to aggregate at least one type of entitlement, like the default group? If not, I suggest starting with troubleshooting that first. Also, try creating a “before operation” rule to capture the token and pass it in the header of the operation you’re calling. Additionally, I’m curious—what type of authentication are you using? Also, Share the header part of the operation call

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