Entitlement Aggregation error in webservice connector

Hi all,
Facing the below error for the webservice connector when I try to do the entitlement aggregation.


Tried Solution:

  • Permission for the service account
  • Delete the source and reconfigured
  • Created an new entitlement type and delete the group type.

But we are able to do this operation in SOAP UI and Postman. Any solutions would be appreciated.

Shantha Kumar

Can you share the configuration of the source?

Hi @Santhakumar,

Is there any rule like Before/After Operation rule you are using?
Have you enabled connector level log and that have given any clue?

If needed, please use below link to configure log.

Also please share the aggregation configuration detail.

Here is the Group aggregation config:

Hi @ashutosh08 @sauvee ,
I am able to do the entitlement aggregation but not getting a separate value its coming as array of values:

Is there any way to get this all as entitlement??

Hi @Santhakumar,

This must be mapping issue. Can you please check the path mapping in some third-party tool like SOAP UI and then try it out in SailPoint.


Resolved this by changing DB name now its work fine.

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