Enable "Allow Access Requests" option on applications via the /cc api

We’re using the https://tenant.api.identitynow.com/cc/api/app/update/12345 api to update applications (if there’s a better api to work with apps let me know) and I’m having trouble figuring out how to enable the “Allow Access Requests” box after creation or during creation.

The “Allow Access Requests” checkbox exists under “Request Center Options” when viewing an application. Any help in getting an api call that will enable this option would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Welcome to the developer community Zeke.

There currently is not a beta/v3 equivalent API for interacting with apps, so the /cc API is the only way for now. Just as a caution, /cc APIs are not supported and can change at any time without notice. In practice, we try to do our best to notify users of any changes, but there are no guarantees. Use with caution.

I’m guessing you are already using this API to update apps. If that is the case, you just need to add the following property to your payload to enable/disable access requests.

provisionRequestEnabled: true

If you are familiar with browser inspectors, you can reverse engineer these APIs yourself.

Thanks Colin! Made my day early on this Monday morning to come into this message :grinning:.

Thank you for the warning, for the help in making the necessary change, and for the tip about reverse engineering the API. Have a good day.

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