Has anyone had any luck making changing how the SOD policy violation email template display the search result preview table? I’m wondering how the velocity code would need to be modified to pick and choose which columns are displayed. Below is the current code.
Results Preview:<table
style="margin-top:3px;background-color:#ffffff;border:1px solid #bbbbbb;border-collapse:collapse;color:#333333;font-family:'helvetica' , 'arial' , sans-serif">
#set ($isHeader = true) #foreach ($previewRow in ${searchResults.get($documentType).get("preview")})
<tr> #foreach ($previewCell in ${previewRow}) #if ($isHeader) <th
style="border:1px solid #bbbbbb;padding:5px;background-color:#dddddd;font-weight:bold">${previewCell}</th>
#else <td style="border:1px solid #bbbbbb;padding:5px">${previewCell}</td> #end #end </tr> #set ($isHeader =
false) #end
</p> #end#else <p> ${policyName} is returning no results at this time. </p>#end
I am hoping to only return the identity username, displayname, and manager displayname.
would resolve the issue, but apparently it does not. So, I think if we assign that string true to a dummy variable then it will not display in the output
Can you try this line instead and see if it works?