Edit Trigger Input Data

I am trying to test the filter shown below using subscriptions and webhooks. The filter is meant to grab any identities whose identity attribute “onLeave” recently changed to true.

“$.changes[?(@.attribute == ‘onLeave’ && @.newValue in [‘true’])]”

How can I edit the raw content of the trigger’s example input?

You can’t edit the trigger. If the value you want does not matter you can just filter by any changes in the attribute, but again “changes”.

My alterantive for you would be use a schedule trigger combine with a HTTP request/search request for grabbing the users and do your processing.

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For help with developing trigger filters, please see this guide.

You will copy the sample input provided by the trigger and paste it into the JSONpath editor. From there, you can manipulate the input to see how your JSONpath expression evaluates.

The only other way to test trigger filters is to enable the trigger and test it against live events. You can follow this guide for more information on how to do that.