Duplicate entitlements are being listed in the bundle section of debug

Hello Experts,

I was recently fixing a report that had duplicate entitlements popping up in various places. Upon further inspection i found that the bundle(roles) for the entitlements in question contained duplicate data for the entitlement. This is only apparent in the backend and does not effect performance. My guess would be that the application couldn’t verify whether or not the entitlement exists during creation and therefore tried again until it was able to verify it exists.

Is there any way to prevent this from happening or at least a efficient way to clean it up other than going into debug and removing the extra data manually. I have posted the bundle code below to show the issue that we are seeing and as you can see SA SS SD RO shows up in the bundle 4 times for some reason. Just pasted single profile code

Reference class sailpoint.object.Application name=Oracle Database (xyz)
Filter operation=CONTAINS_ALL property= ROLES
String SA SS SD RO String

Hi @niket345,

Can you check for any custom rules or scripts that might be responsible for adding the entitlements to the bundle. Ensure that these rules are not executing multiple times or have any logic that could lead to duplicate entries.

Review the bundle creation process and identify any potential conditions or concurrency issues that could cause the application to attempt adding the same entitlement multiple times before verifying its existence.

Consider implementing a validation step to ensure no duplicate entitlements are added.

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Please share the clear Bundle.xml completely

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