Does Active Directory source have retry error mechanism?

I have tried adding retryableErrors list in AD source but it does not work.

"retryableErrors": [
            "Server is not operational",
            "Connect to APP gateway failed",
            "Authentication Failed"

It gets saved from VS code but as soon I close and open source config retryableErrors vanishes, which I believe makes sense as it does not have anything called Retry Error List in UI like ServiceNow source has in Advanced Settings.

So, how can we retry the errors for AD source if retryableErrors list can’t be added?
I know timeout error can be achieved as per below url.

But if I want some specific error to be retry how this can be achieved?

Check this post for configuring retries on sources

@Anshu_Kunal, Thanks for the response.
I am able to add retryableErrors, provisioningRetryThreshold and provisioningMaxRetries. Testing also worked but not properly.

For testing retryableErrors, I am adding error like Authentication Failed in the retryableErrors list.
Basically I have provided unregistered iqservice user, then disabled the account which fails with Authentication Failed error. Then added this error in retryableErrors list and also added provisioningRetryThreshold and provisioningMaxRetries. I thought running manual identity refresh will retry the error which does not happen. Then I disabled the user again and in the mean time fixed the error by correcting iqservice user, which disabled the account but it was in pending sate from long time and took more than usual time to disable.

So, am I doing testing correctly/this is how am I suppose to test?
Or is there any better way to test retryableErrors?

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