Documentation on available values? Specifically for report configuration

Hi there, I came across this beta API to configure campaign report configuration.


however, how do I know what values identityAttributeColumns will accept? The example only has firstname and lastname. I played with it and found that email works too. What else is available? How would I go about finding this information out?


Also, is there any way to add any other information other than that of the identity being reviewed? For example having a column with the reviewer’s email would be HUGE.

Greetings Ivanalstyne,

To answer your first question, we accept any identity attribute and return an error if you provide one that isn’t an identity attribute.

Regarding your second question, that feature is not available at this time, but I have passed your comment on to our product team so that they are aware of this request and can potentially build this into future roadmaps.

Thank you for posting and let us know if we can be of any further assistance!