Display multiple account id using transform

I missed a method on the $identity object, this can actually be done in a more simple way.

There is a method getLinksByAppIdOrName(String appId, String appName) that as it states returns accounts given an id or name of an application.

Including this results in the following transform:

    "attributes": {
        "value": "#foreach($link in $identity.getLinksByAppIdOrName(\"2c918088814e6a610181686b56977fa8\",null))#if($foreach.index + 1 != $identity.getLinks().size())$link.getNativeIdentity(),#else$link.getNativeIdentity()#end#end"
    "type": "static"

The code:

#foreach($link in $identity.getLinksByAppIdOrName(\"2c918088814e6a610181686b56977fa8\",null)) ## Pull accounts with the app id = 2c918088814e6a610181686b56977fa8
  #if($foreach.index + 1 != $identity.getLinks().size()) ## Use the index of the loop to determine if we are on the last result
    $link.getNativeIdentity(),  ## If we are not on the last result, return the comma
    $link.getNativeIdentity() ## If we are on the last result return the account name without the comma