Deploying Second VA in same Cluster

Hi All,

Need assistance in setting up a Second VA in 1 Cluster. I have tried following the same steps for setting up the VA. However, I am getting this error “Please check the configuration and test the connection again.”.

I tried changing the key phrase also but result is same.

Do, I need to have second Machine setup in AWS for the second VA or it can be configured in the same Machine? Either way I am getting the above error.

Hi Karan!

According to the VA Best Practices documentation, you should have a 1:1 VA to Virtual Machine ratio to avoid a single point of failure. I would suggest trying to setup your second VA on a new machine and see if you are able to complete the setup process.

Thank you,

  • Zach

I would add to this that you probably want to have more than 1 VA on a single cluster, instead of two VAs on their own cluster. In our experience, this has prevented the VAs from automatically updating

Hello Karan,

As @zachm117 mentioned, you should 1:1 VA to VM ratio to avoid single point of failure.
Other important thing while deploying second VA in the same cluster, make sure the value of keyPassphrase must be identical for every virtual appliance in the cluster.

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